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Elliott Skin & Laser Clinic Skin Lesions

Laser treatment can dramatically improve the appearance of various skin concerns such as skin tags, fibrous papule, seborrheic keratosis, warts and verrucas and can leave them far less visible or in some cases remove them completely. 


We treat a variety of different skin lesions on all parts of the body and are able to remove most lesions using our Cynosure Nd:YAG laser. Normally, lesions are supplied and fed by the surrounding blood vessels. By using the Nd:YAG laser we are able to target the blood vessels that are causing the lesions to grow. This coagulates the blood vessels, thereby destroying the lesion. Often the lesion will form a scab and fall off 7 to 10 days later, allowing the affected area to return to normal healthy skin. 

Some areas can be numbed to make treatment more comfortable and this can be addressed during your consultation.

A skin tag is a small growth that typically matches the colour of your skin or appears slightly pinker or darker brown. Different from a wart or blemish, a skin tag tends to hang off the skin in the shape of a tiny balloon. They are usually smaller than a pencil eraser but can grow to be as large as a small grape. While they are harmless, they can be annoying, with most adults having at least one in their lifetime. Most skin tags develop in the folds of the skin, including the eyelids, armpits, groin, and under the breasts. They are most common in areas where the skin folds and rubs against itself.

A fibrous papule is a spot on the nose that people usually get in early to mid adult life. It is usually firm and domelike, occasionally sticking out a little further - much like a small wart or skin tag. The papule can be skin coloured or red.

A seborrhoeic keratosis, also known as a seborrhoeic wart, is a very common skin condition. They are flat brown lesions which tend to grow larger and darker over time. While they initially appear skin coloured and barely noticeable, with time they become gradually more visible and darker in colour. While not dangerous they are unsightly and often cause irritation, itching and bleeding. This often happens when they are located on a part of the body that is touched often.

Warts and verrucas are small growths on the skin. They are caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV). Warts on the hand and verrucas on the feet can be a real pain, but there is no need to suffer. Laser treatment offers a fast and effective solution with minimal downtime. The Nd:YAG laser targets the abnormal blood vessels that supply the verruca, heating it up and sealing it off. The sudden superheating of the verruca also denatures the DNA of the virus, instantly killing the virus and preventing it from spreading on your foot or to others in your household.

Elliott Skin & Laser Clinic Treatment Summary

Procedure time:

Laser removal appointments vary in length depending on the area being treated and can be as short as 15 minutes.

Number of treatments:

Depending on the area being treated 1-4 treatments may be required. For leg thread veins 6-8 may be needed.

Results shown:

Our laser removals are so effective that 1-2 weeks after your first session an improvement should be seen. 

Before treatment:

No sun tan for 3-4 weeks or fake tan for 1 week before treatment. For skin lesion removals, seek medical approval where necessary and, if medically suitable, refrain from taking blood thinning medication such as Warfarin.

After treatment:

No heat treatments (sauna, steam room, sun etc) for 48 hours, no hot showers or excessive sweating for 24 hours. Arnica gel can be used to aid healing.


Probable scabbing for 7-10 days.


A test patch is essential to determine treatment suitability and these are charged at £50. Treatment sessions then start from £100. Full costs will be discussed at your consulation when your treatment plan is agreed.

Elliott Skin & Laser Clinic Laser Skin Tag Removal
Elliott Skin & Laser Clinic Seborrhoeic Keratosis Laser Removal
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